Directive on Official Languages for Communications and Services

Gives sound and consistent practices and procedures for deputy heads (or their delegates) in the area of communications with the public and employees, as well as the services provided to them.

Date modified: 2012-10-15

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This directive replaces:

1. Effective Date

1.2 Section regarding Website addresses takes effect on July 31, 2013.

2. Application

2.1 This directive applies to institutions subject to Part IV (Communications with and Services to the Public) and Part V (Language of Work) of the Official Languages Act with the exception of the Senate, the House of Commons, the Library of Parliament, the office of the Senate Ethics Officer, and the office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner.

3. Context

3.1 This directive is issued to support the Policy on Official Languages by setting out the requirements related to services as well as communications involving the public or employees of institutions.

3.2 The Official Languages Act (OLA) and the Official Languages (Communications with and Services to the Public) Regulations (Regulations) provide that members of the public have the right to receive services from or communicate with the designated offices of an institution in the official language of their choice.

3.3 Employees play a vital role in fulfilling their institution’s official language obligations when providing services to or communicating with the public or employees.

3.4 Employees of institutions have official language rights when receiving services or communicating with institutions in the exercise of their duties and functions. The Directive on Official Languages for People Management provides further information regarding these rights.

3.5 The OLA specifies that the obligation to communicate with and serve members of the public in the official language of their choice takes precedence over employees' language-of-work rights.

3.6 This directive is issued by the Treasury Board pursuant to its authority under section 46 of the OLA .

4. Definitions

Please refer to Appendix 2.

5. Directive Statement

5.1 Objective

To establish, across all institutions, sound and consistent practices and procedures for Deputy heads or their delegates in the area of communications with and services to the public and employees.

5.2 Expected results

It is expected that the practices and procedures contained in this directive are clearly communicated and effectively implemented by the institution so that:

6. Requirements

6.1 Order of Official Languages

Deputy heads or their delegates are responsible for: