Duty of cooperation clause samples

3.03 Duty of Cooperation and Disclosure. In any Proceeding in which the Company is advancing Expenses or providing an indemnification to the Indemnitee, the Indemnitee shall fully cooperate with the person, persons, insurers or entities acting on the Company’s or Indemnitee’s behalf, including providing to such person, persons or entity upon reasonable advance request any documentation or information which is not privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure and which is reasonably available to Indemnitee and relates to the subject Proceeding, and the Company’s indemnification and advancement obligations hereunder shall at all times be subject to the Indemnitee’ s duty of cooperation. At the time of Indemnitee’s request for indemnification, Indemnitee shall disclose to the Company all relevant facts and circumstances within the Indemnitee’s personal knowledge that pertain to the request and underlying dispute.

10/19/2017 (WatchGuard, Inc.)

(D)Post-Employment Duty of Cooperation. By virtue of Employee’s employment, Employee will know information, including but not limited to Confidential Information, that is or may be material to and necessary for the Employer to appropriately and successfully conclude matters that involve third parties. As a result, following termination of employment (regardless of the circumstances)) Employee agrees to assist, and cooperate fully with, the Employer upon reasonable request, and to do so voluntarily (without legal compulsion) when such matters arise. This duty of cooperation is intended to allow the Employer to meet its legal obligations and satisfactorily conclude matters in a manner that achieves the best result possible for the Employer.

03/24/2020 (Parkway Acquisition Corp.)

(e) Post-Employment Duty of Cooperation. By virtue of Executive’s employment, Executive will know information, including but not limited to Confidential Information, that is or may be material to and necessary for the Corporation, the Bank and/or their Affiliates to appropriately and successfully conclude matters that involve third parties. As a result, following termination of employment (regardless of the circumstances), Executive agrees to assist, and cooperate fully with, the Corporation, the Bank and their Affiliates upon reasonable request, and to do so voluntarily (without legal compulsion) when such matters arise. This duty of cooperation is intended to allow the Corporation and the Bank to meet their respective legal obligations and satisfactorily conclude matters in a manner that achieves the best result possible for the Corporation, the Bank and their Affiliates.

04/13/2018 (Parkway Acquisition Corp.)

Duty of Cooperation. Employee agrees to cooperate with Employer and to provide all information and sign any corporate records and instruments that Employer may reasonably request with respect to any matter involving Employee's employment relationship with Employer, the work Employee has performed, or present or former Employees of Employer, including but not limited to any litigation with respect to such matters.

02/14/2020 (Chemours Co)

5.No Monies Owed& Duty of Cooperation. Gleason agrees to facilitate a smooth transition of his duties and to perform all business-related tasks reasonably requested of him through his last date of employment of April30, 2020, although Gleason will be permitted to work from home and look for other employment consistent with his confidentiality and noncompetition duties under this Agreement during this period. Gleason acknowledges that his severance payments are conditioned on his fulfilment of these duties. Gleason also represents that, after April30, 2020, no earned wages, bonuses, stock awards, vacation, sick leave, overtime, premium pay and/or other monies or any other form of compensation of any kind, will be due to him except as described in this Agreement. To the extent Gleason has been granted Restricted Stock Units (“RSUs”) or Stock Options (“SOs”), the Restricted Stock Unit and Cash Award Agreements and the Nonqualified Stock Option Award Agreements (collectively, the “Equity Agreements”) specific to each of his grants shall govern the vesting and/or payout of any such RSUs and SOs.

06/11/2020 (Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc.)

Duty of Cooperation. You agree to cooperate fully and in a timely manner with the Company and its counsel with respect to any matter (including any litigation, investigation or governmental proceeding) which relates to your employment with the Company. This cooperation may include appearing from time-to-time for conferences and interviews, and providing the officers of the Company and its counsel with the full benefit of your knowledge with respect to any such matter. The Company will request such cooperation with due regard to your personal and professional commitments. Subject to the Company's prior approval, the Company will reimburse you for reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses such as travel expenses, and will endeavor to set meeting times that are mutually agreeable.

03/30/2021 (CorMedix Inc.)

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