Change a Major, Minor or Certificate

As you learn more about your preferences and abilities, you may decide to change your major. Since the change may require you to adjust your graduation schedule, you should first discuss your degree progress with your academic advisor.

Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your intentions before submitting a Major, Minor, Certificate Declaration and Change Form.

Contact your department or the department of the major you are interested in to find out the advising office hours.

How to Change Your Major

  1. Complete and submit the online Major, Minor, Certificate Declaration and Change Form. You will need your Net ID and password to access the form.
  2. As this process may require approval from the academic department, it is highly recommended that you submit this form as early as possible prior to the Major/Minor Declaration Deadline as indicated on the Academic Calendar.
  3. Declarations and changes processed after the Major/Minor Declaration Deadline will be effective for the following semester.