Limerick was awarded the title of Ireland's first Smarter Travel Demonstration City in a national competition funded by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTT&S) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly (SERA) Operational Programme 2007-2013.
The initiative was run between 2012 and 2016 in partnership with University of Limerick. €9 million was awarded for the project which saw a host of infrastructural and behavioural change measures being rolled out in the four project area hubs; Castletroy; Corbally; Southside Regeneration Area; and the City Centre.
The Limerick Metropolitan Cycle Network Study sets out the envisaged cycle network for the Metropolitan Area to 2025. This will inform the forthcoming Limerick and Shannon Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy which is currently being developed. The cycle map below outlines the existing on and off road cycling infrastructure which we seek to increase through increased investment in sustainable transport projects.
The canal shared surface path is a walking and cycling route connecting Shannon Fields in Corbally to University of Limerick and the City Centre; this is a well used leisure amenity in addition to an important commuter route for those living and working in Castletroy, Corbally and the City Centre. The path is monitored by CCTV, is cycling, walking and buggy friendly, and hosts bicycle parking, benches and bike parking.
The City Centre is well adorned with bicycle parking throughout our central streets. Secure Bike Lockers have been installed in three carparks; Ten lockers at Henry Street Car Park, seven lockers at Howley’s Quay Car Park, and two lockers at Denmark Street Car Park. These lockers are free to use, a Euro coin is required to activate the lock, which will be returned on collection of your bike.
A host of behavioural change measures were implemented to support the infrastructure developments. The Smarter Travel team worked with schools, communities, campuses and workplaces in the four hubs in a concerted effort to encourage sustainable transport modes. The Smarter Travel team are still actively working with a number of partner workplaces and campuses in developing mobility management plans and striving for a modal shift away from private vehicle dependence.
The Smarter Travel team are actively engaged in the planning application process and provide input into applications for developments that will have an impact on current congestion levels.