Applications can take up to ten (10) business days from the receipt of a complete application for the Division to process.
New broker applications are dependent upon receipt of fingerprint background information and may take significantly longer.
If you are requesting to upgrade your license to the employing broker level, please allow additional processing time for qualification review.
All online application forms referenced below can be accessed by selecting the “Online Services” drop-down menu in the upper right hand corner of your browser window after you’ve logged into your E-license account.
Real estate broker online applications and formsColorado Real Estate Broker Online Application
Online Renewal
Preliminary Advisory Opinion Application
Transfer to New Firm / Activate Inactive License Online Application
Change License Level or License Role
New Corporation, Partnership or LLC Online Application
Change the Responsible Broker of a Licensed Brokerage Firm
Application to Add or Remove Associate Brokers
Change of Address Form
Application for License As Temporary Corporation, Partnership or LLC
All application fees are non-refundable.
Broker Application
Broker Transfer / Upgrade / Activation
Individual Proprietor / Change in Corporation, Partnership or LLC
Temporary Broker Application
Base Rate Renewal
Corporate / Partnership / LLC Application
Broker Examination Fee
Broker License Histories
Reinstate Within 32 Days to One (1) Year
Reinstate More Than One (1) Year but Less Than Three (3) Years
To request a certified license history, log into eLicense and in the "Online Services" menu, select the link titled “Request Certified License History”. This document is commonly requested by other jurisdictions for the purposes of initial licensure.
Your license certificate can be accessed through your online account. To access a copy of your license, select the link titled “Print Your License”.
You will not see this menu option if your license is inactive or expired.
To change the legal name on your license, select the link titled “Change License Level / Update Name and/or DBA”. You will be required to provide documentation of the legal name change (or a birth certificate if electing to use a maiden name).
This form can also be used to add or remove a nickname. Nicknames will be in addition to your legal name. The public search does not currently support nickname search queries. The nickname update form is not necessary for common name abbreviations (for example, Debbie / Deborah, Jim / James).
1560 Broadway, Suite 925 Denver, CO 80202
303-894-2166 | Toll Free: 800-886-7675
Need to visit our office in-person? Schedule an appointment (Appointments are recommended for in-person services).
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