How to explain the 7216 consent form to your clients

A guide for tax professionals on how to communicate the benefits and risks of signing a 7216 consent form.

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What is a 7216 consent form?
Why do clients need to sign a 7216 consent form?
How to talk to your clients about signing a 7216 consent form?
What are some Section 7216 insights for 2023
Software solutions for Section 7216

What is a 7216 consent form?

A 7216 consent form is a document that allows a tax preparer to use or disclose a client’s tax return information for purposes other than preparing their tax return. For example, a tax preparer may use a client’s information to offer them additional services, such as financial planning, bookkeeping, or audit protection. A tax preparer may also disclose a client’s information to a third-party service provider, such as a software company, a bank, or a marketing firm.

Why do clients need to sign a 7216 consent form?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires tax preparers to obtain written consent from their clients before using or disclosing their tax return information for any purpose other than preparing their tax return. This is to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the client’s information and to prevent unauthorized or improper use or disclosure.

The consent form must clearly state the purpose, scope, and duration of the use or disclosure, as well as the identity of the recipients of the information. The consent form must also inform the clients of their right to revoke their consent at any time and the consequences of doing so.

How to talk to your clients about signing a 7216 consent form

Some clients may be reluctant or hesitant to sign a 7216 consent form, especially if they are not familiar with the form or the benefits and risks of giving their consent.

Here are some tips on how to communicate with your clients and persuade them to sign a 7216 consent form:

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What are some Section 7216 insights for 2023?

As the tax industry evolves and adapts to the changing needs and expectations of clients and regulators, tax professionals need to be aware of the trends and challenges that may affect their practice in 2023.

Here are some insights that may help you prepare for the future:

Software solutions for Section 7216

As a tax preparer, you need to be aware of the 7216 consent form compliance and its implications for your business. You need to follow the IRS rules and regulations, protect your client’s information, and provide them with the best service possible. You also need to leverage the technology to optimize your workflow, enhance your productivity, and increase your profitability.

That’s why you need software from Thomson Reuters SurePrep ®, the leading provider of tax automation software and services for the professional tax preparer. SurePrep can help you simplify and streamline your 7216 consent form process with its innovative solutions, such as:

Don’t wait any longer. Contact us today and get a free demo of our solutions. Find out how SurePrep can help you follow the 7216 consent form requirements, secure your client’s information, and grow your business.

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